Owlto Finance: Revolutionizing Cross-Rollup Transactions from ETH to Polygon zkEVM

Learn how to instantly bridge ETH to Polygon zkEVM with Owlto Finance, a decentralized cross-rollup bridge that offers 'safe, fast, cheap, and easy-to-use' services on L2’s, as part of Powerloom’s Incentivized Testnet onchain DeFi quests.

Beginning on Mercle, our quest hosting platform, there will be a display with a brief description of each task required to complete the quest. Follow the prompt to “Bridge Now”, which will redirect you to Owlto Finance.

Once on Owlto’s bridging platform, you will first need to connect your wallet on the top right-hand corner of the screen. Once your wallet is connected and you have sufficient funds, you can begin the transaction of bridging ETH to Polygon zkEVM.

To complete the quest, you will need to bridge a total of 0.01 ETH. After entering the designated amount, Owlto Finance will prompt you to finish the transaction with a confirmation after a final review of the amount being bridged and total fees, including gas.

Processing and Completion screens on Owlto
After confirming, Owlto will quickly process the bridging transaction and notify you when it has successfully been completed. After you have received this notification, you can exit Owlto and verify the proof of action on Mercle to receive your rewards.
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If you encounter any issues or have questions about the minting process, please reach out on the Mercle Discord server.
About Powerloom
Powerloom Protocol is a decentralized data protocol primarily aimed at serving the ever-growing data needs of users of smart contract-based applications like DeFi, games, and more. We incentivize participating peers to reach consensus on observations of state transitions and event emissions across a plethora of smart contracts. By utilizing data compositions on smaller, consensus-reached data units, Powerloom stands as a peer-validated and accurate information source, empowering rich data applications like dashboards, bots, aggregators, and insights trackers.