Powerloom Chain is Ready; Built with OP Stack & EigenDA Under the Hood

As we prepare to launch our Mainnet on January 9, 2025, it's a delight to unveil the Powerloom Layer-2 (L2), built using the OP Stack and EigenDA, powered by Conduit.
Through extensive testing and community feedback during the Testnet phases, we discovered the need to deploy our upcoming Mainnet on a mature architecture that’s robust, scalable, and flexible at once.
Leveraging Conduit’s innovative Rollup-as-a-Service (RaaS) paradigm let us achieve this purpose, without any excessive additions to our production and development costs and efforts.
Thanks to their modular, customizable offerings, we shipped a performant and resilient L2 based on the OP Stack. We’re confident in this chain’s ability to handle over billions of daily snapshots that we expect our Mainnet to eventually generate across protocols and blockchain ecosystems.
Further, true to our vision for optimal verifiability, accessibility, and uptime, we’re using EigenDA as the data availability layer for Powerloom Chain.
It allows us to inherit the decentralized security of the settlement layer — i.e., the Ethereum Mainnet — while achieving the high throughput and reliability necessary for complex use-cases like our Uniswap V2/V3 and Aave V3 dashboards for next-gen consumer apps like Generative Prediction Markets (GPM).
Powerloom chain is now available on Conduit Hub. Here’s a quick overview of the key details:

Our Mainnet — the culmination of everything we achieved since 2020 — drops in three days, built on such robust foundations.
Get ready to experience a hassle-free and cost-efficient way of consuming web3 data, whether you are building next-gen apps or using them.
We have tons of exciting news lined up: Mainnet details, TGE date, and more.
Stay tuned, stay POWERed. 🫡 🚀