First Data Infrastructure Mint on Polygon: Launching Over 10,000 Data Nodes 🚀

First Data Infrastructure Mint on Polygon: Launching Over 10,000 Data Nodes 🚀

We are thrilled to announce this incredible opportunity for our community to participate and get involved in our Composable Data Network, starting on January 25th. This is a huge step in our mission to democratize data accessibility within web3. We invite you to be a part of this.

Why is this a Big Deal?

In a strong partnership with Polygon, we are planning the first-ever infrastructure NFT mint on this chain. This is a unique opportunity for you to participate in the Polygon PoS network and acquire Powerloom Snapshotter Lite node slots through a one-time mint. Acquiring these slots involves the issuance of Soul-Bound Tokens (SBTs), which grant the holders the ability to operate nodes within the Powerloom network.

By operating a node you:

  • Are empowered to contribute actively to the network’s growth,
  • Enable yourself to earn rewards for your contributions,
  • Benefit a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps) and services,
  • Make an impact in not only the Polygon ecosystem but the broader Ethereum landscape
  • Play a role in redefining standards for onchain data processing, accessibility, and composability.

This new node initiative is a lighter version of Powerloom's existing Snapshotter node, tailored to be user-friendly and requiring minimal technical experience.

Unlock the power of onchain data by becoming a Powerloom Snapshotter.


Individual Snapshotters will receive a soul-bound NFT on Polygon PoS for participating in our network. The tiers for the node mint will follow a clearing price model. We plan on limiting 10 slots per address. Similar to phase 1 of the Testnet, we will announce an incentivized testnet for these holders, which will eventually follow by mainnet rewards. They can join as soon as they mint their slot. However, they must pass KYC from unrestricted jurisdictions to claim rewards.

Before we open up the mint to the public, we are planning a 48-hour mint window exclusively for wallets from:

  • Powerloom Community: 4000 slots
  • Partners: 1000 slots to select partners and ecosystem participants
  • Pre-Mint Winners: 5000 randomly chosen slots from qualified pre-mint addresses.

To further breakdown Powerloom Community participants, the slots are distributed as follows:

  • Testnet OGs: 1 slot
  • At least one onchain task done during Phase2: 1 slot (max)
  • CoinList KYC: 1 slot
  • Testnet Snapshotter: 10 slots (maximum 10)

Community members who mint nodes will be given ranked access on Discord and early access to a suite of Powerloom’s offerings in the near future.

Pre-mint Criteria (Any 1 of the following)

If you:

  1. Held Minimum 0.1 WETH on Polygon or 0.1 ETH on Ethereum Mainnet as of January 17th, 2024
  2. Held an Xai Sentry Node Soul-Bound Token as of January 17th, 2024 (Added as per this update on Feb 1st, 2024)
  3. Ownership of a .polygon domain in a non-custodial wallet (Metamask, Rainbow, others) as of January 17th, 2024 (Added as per this update on Feb 2nd, 2024)

In addition to that, if you:

You automatically qualify for the pre-mint of our Snapshotter Lite Node. 🥳

Ready to Pre-Mint?

Wen mint?

  1. Pre-Mint goes live: January 25th, 2024
  2. Pre-Mint close date: February 4th, 2024
  3. Pre-Mint winners announcement: February 6th, 2024
  4. Mint (exclusive window): February 7th, 2024
  5. Public mint opens for the rest of the slots: on February 9th, 2024

*Dates are subject to change

Please note: All times are in Pacific Standard Time (PST). We will announce the exact times as we make further announcements.

A note from our founder: Swaroop Hegde

“By making our node initiative more accessible, we invite broader participation while fostering a learning culture. This approach allows participants to directly engage with and understand the architecture of a protocol that has been decentralized from the start. These new nodes testify to our commitment to creating a composable and accessible data network that empowers users and developers alike.”

I’m in!

Eager to join and run a Snapshotter Lite node? Go to:

Connect with us on Discord to learn more.

Join us for our Snapshotter Pre-Mint Launch Party 🎈

📅 January 25th at 09:30 PST | 12:30 EST | 18:00 CET | 23:00 IST

Get firsthand details about the technology behind the Powerloom network. Be there and take this huge step forward with us!

*Community members worldwide, EXCEPT in the US and sanctioned and/or embargoed countries (and wallets), are invited to participate in this initiative. Before proceeding, you must agree with the agreement at

About Powerloom: The Composable Data Network for Web3

As a frontrunner in onchain data protocols, Powerloom serves the evolving needs of smart contract-based applications in sectors like DeFi, GameFi, and NFTs. Our approach incentivizes consensus on state transitions and event emissions, transforming raw data into a structured and easily accessible format.

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